Met a grown man a few months ago with a FRESH Jheri Curl (reference the twirly guy to your left). Yes my friends, it was authentically a Jheri. Dude had on a very greasy chinese-collar dress shirt, sweat(or grease) dripping from his brow, gold fronts talkin bout Farrakhan and prison life. Guys, I didn't really know what to say. I almost felt like it was the twilight zone, as if I'd been transported back in time. If he was wearing a headband too I think I might have fainted.
I had on a suit, coming from a meeting with pastors. Dude walks up to me and says "you look like you a preacha or a lawya. butcha prolly a lawya so ima give you this business plan. i need you to give this to all the millionaires and professional sports players you know." (mind you I hear him but it all sounds like an echo cause I'm still in the twilight zone). He pitches this crap to me for like 30 MINUTES outside in 85 degree weather (which would explain the meltdown coming from the back of his neck). Then he pauses, looking boyishly into my eyes like a Save the World infomercial, and with a sensitive quiver in his voice says "brova don't throw that away. promise me you won't throw that away." Wow. Not only is dude a time transporter but HE'S ALSO A MIND READER!!! Amazing.
Now this is serious and very insightful. Why? Because there are some very important biblical principles here:
Proverbs 12:15 - The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
Generations of advice have pleaded with us to forsake the days of the drip curl. But so many times we reject the objective Truth because we have our own truth. We live by what is right in our own eyes, while wisdom points us to a higher standard. Don't be a fool. I pity the fool! And God does too.
We don't create truth, we either accept or reject it. Be wise people.
For your own reading pleasure - Psalm 133:1-3. Guess they had Jheri Curls back then too.
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